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Letters And Notations

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Handwritten Note On Promo Photo Card *Play Music 24 Hours/Day* (5/5/85) Handwritten Note On Promo Photo Card *Play Music 24 Hours/Day* (5/5/85)
Yellow vest promo photo with handwritten note in red marker on reverse: "Have a monitor put by store front window to play music 24 hour's A.S.A.P. M.J. 5/5/85" The note has "Tell Bill" crossed out, probably referring to Bill Bray.
Est. Value: $5,120
Era: Thriller Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Year: 1985
Size: 7 1/2''x9 1/2''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Note To Assistant *Recording Studio Delay* (1985) Handwritten Note To Assistant *Recording Studio Delay* (1985)
A custom sheet of paper with the image of Michael and a note in brown marker reading in full, "Pressure Brent Avril about getting my studio done and ready, this is rediculouse [sic] he told me end of June I could record."
Est. Value: $4,480
Era: Thriller Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Year: 1985
Size: 8 1/2''x11''
Country: USA

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Handwritten note to brother Handwritten note to brother
Handwritten note to brother on MJJ Productions letterhead.
Era: Dangerous Era
Artist: Michael Jackson

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Handwritten Note To Brother On MJJ Productions Notecard (Late 1980s) Handwritten Note To Brother On MJJ Productions Notecard (Late 1980s)
Original handwritten note on a MJJ Productions notecard. Note reads, "Thank so much for Being Thoughtful and a Brother/love Michael Jackson." [sic] Exact date unknown, but very likely from the late 1980's.
Est. Value: $4,062.50
Era: Bad Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Year: Late 1980's
Size: 8 3/4''x3 3/4''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Note To Candy (1985) Handwritten Note To Candy (1985)
Handwritten note by Michael to Candy written on Michael Jackson stationery in red pen and dated "4/3/85". Michael gives instructions regarding a bike for Michael's nephew Taryll.
Est. Value: $1,188
Era: Thriller Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Year: 1985
Size: 11'' x 8 1/2''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Note To Fans About New Album (1999) Handwritten Note To Fans About New Album (1999)
Two-page handwritten note on stationery of The Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane, London, about "the album is coming Millenium". In July 1999, Michael had written this for the fans in front of his hotel.
Est. Value: $3,456
Era: HIStory Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Year: 1999
Size: 5 3/4'' by 3''
Country: UK

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Handwritten Note To Former Assistant Candy *Beta's In Vault & Survival Food* 6/7/85 (USA) Handwritten Note To Former Assistant Candy *Beta's In Vault & Survival Food* 6/7/85 (USA)
Handwritten letter on construction paper in red pen, dated "6/7/85" written to "Candy" with instructions and questions, including, "When is my survival food coming…".
Est. Value: $2,880.00
Era: Thriller Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Year: 1985
Size: 8 1/2''x11''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Note To Former Assistant Candy *Emergency* (1985) Handwritten Note To Former Assistant Candy *Emergency* (1985)
Handwritten note by Michael to Candy written on Michael Jackson stationery and dated "3/5/85". The title "Emergency" is written in red ink. Michael asks to find the "guy who played guitar on the record 'Dance Floor' for the band Zapp.
Est. Value: $1,920
Era: Thriller Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Year: 1985
Size: 11'' x 8 1/2''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Note To Former Assistant Candy *Survival Food* (1985) Handwritten Note To Former Assistant Candy *Survival Food* (1985)
A piece of grey paper with a note in black ink written by Michael reading: "Candy go ahead and order survival food a.s.a.p. MJ. This is very IMPORTANT we can also store it in the different lofts in the house and at condo, get lots of it ORDER NOW."
Est. Value: $4,096
Era: Thriller Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Year: 1985
Size: 8 1/2''x11''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Note To His Former Assistant Candy *Storyboard Drawer* 5/6/85 (USA) Handwritten Note To His Former Assistant Candy *Storyboard Drawer* 5/6/85 (USA)
MJ's handwritten note in red marker dated May 6th, 1985.
Era: Thriller Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
End Market: Promotional
Release Type: Official
Year: 1985
Country: USA

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Handwritten Note To Norma About Wayne Handwritten Note To Norma About Wayne
Handwritten note by Michael to Norma reading "Norma please let Wayne look after the boys at Neverland and let him come with you when they come to see me please. I love you Norma M.J.".
Est. Value: $512
Era: Dangerous Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Country: USA

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Handwritten Note With A Video Outline "I Become Moved By The Beauty Of A Sunset" Handwritten Note With A Video Outline "I Become Moved By The Beauty Of A Sunset"
Single piece of yellow paper with a handwritten note by Michael Jackson from the early to mid 80s including ideas for a video he was in the process of making with Steven Howell, his personal videographer.
Era: Thriller Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Size: 8
Country: USA

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Handwritten Note With A Video Outline "Magic Shots Like A Fosse Movie" Handwritten Note With A Video Outline "Magic Shots Like A Fosse Movie"
Single piece of yellow paper with a handwritten note by Michael Jackson from the early to mid 80s including ideas for a video he was in the process of making with Steven Howell, his personal videographer.
Era: Thriller Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Size: 8
Country: USA

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Handwritten Notes About "Song Work" Handwritten Notes About "Song Work"
A group of handwritten notes including two pages of yellow lined paper with notes reading in part "Ask Renea all the truth. truth on youth. they don’t care bout us. 7 digits. Don’t believe it" and "little less key board too loud more kick".
Est. Value: $896
Era: Dangerous Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Size: 11'' x 8 1/2''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Notes About LA Gear Shoes And Calling Geffen Handwritten Notes About LA Gear Shoes And Calling Geffen
Set of three single pieces of paper with handwritten notes by Michael, including notes about the LA Gear shoes and "call Geffen".
Est. Value: $1,024
Era: BAD Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Size: 10'' x 8 1/2''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Notes About MTV Vanguard Award And Others Handwritten Notes About MTV Vanguard Award And Others
Three pieces of paper with handwritten notes. One reading in part "Saturate this on MTV news and press/ Sandy MTV did not mention M.J. new Vanguard in articles". The other notes read "Ilma Do Not Move" and "If you wanting to know the".
Est. Value: $320
Era: BAD Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Size: 11'' x 8 1/2''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Notes To Norma About Mob Scene In Atlantic City (1991) Handwritten Notes To Norma About Mob Scene In Atlantic City (1991)
A typed fax page dated May 23, 1991, with information regarding the Heal The World Foundation and a second page of notebook paper with Michael's handwritten notes to Norma on verso.
Est. Value: $640
Era: Dangerous Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Year: 1991
Size: 11'' x 8 1/2''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Notes With Instructions About "Disney Windows" And Others Handwritten Notes With Instructions About "Disney Windows" And Others
Group of five sheets of notebook paper with various instructional notes by Michael, including "I want Disney windows now. With music", "One Hour Please" and "Security pick up all brands for white eyes today".
Est. Value: $1,280
Era: BAD Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Size: 11'' x 8 1/2''
Country: USA

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Handwritten Notes With Instructions For The HIStory Teaser (1994) Handwritten Notes With Instructions For The HIStory Teaser (1994)
Four pages with Michael's handwritten notes about corrections for the HIStory teaser that was filmed in Budapest in 1994. The first two pages of "corrections" are on Grand Hotel Corvinus, Budapest letterhead.
Est. Value: $3,200
Era: HIStory Era
Artist: Michael Jackson
Release Type: Official
Year: 1994
Size: 9'' x 11''
Country: Hungary

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Handwritten Prose By Michael (Date Unknown) Handwritten Prose By Michael (Date Unknown)
Handwritten prose by Michael. Date unknown. Written in blue ink on the back of a laundry service sheet from The Lodge at Pebble Beach.
Est. Value: $7,680
Artist: Michael Jackson
Size: 8 1/2'' x 5''
Country: USA

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