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Mar 20

Michael Jackson - Earth Angel

ashlynlovesmichael Posted by: ashlynlovesmichael  
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 The King of Pop, Mj, Applehead, DooDoo head. We knew Michael as so many names, but I like Angel the best. Sadly people knew him as "The pedophile" and "The child molester" Which are both wrong. I wish people would have seen the real side of Michael. The caring one, the children - loving one, the one who loved everyone no matter their race, size, or backgrouds. He didn't care where you came from. He loved you. What people didn't realize is that he had a horrible childhood. His father told him he hated him, and did everything he could to bring little MJ down. Nothing stopped Michael from loving though. Have you ever actually listened to the words of his songs? In "Heal the World" he talks about being God's glow and making the world a better place. In his song "Smile" he talks about smiling when your sad, or angry, and it makes everything better again. In his song "You are not alone" he talks about him always being there for people. In "Man in the Mirror" he talks about changing his ways to make the world a better place. (Once again talking about healing the world) In "Will you be There" he talks about if you love him, he will love you back with ALL of his heart. Every ounce. See? He was a genuinly good guy. He also wrote songs about the press. For example : "They Don't Care About Us" he explains how the press didn't care about him, and how he was the victim of police brutality. In "Childhood" he explains his life when he was a child, and he says one line that really just hits me in the gut. "Before you judge me, try hard to love me" People never tried. They paid attention to the false information of the news, and tabloids. None of that was true. He was proven not guilty in court, and the child who was "molested" confessed it was a lie. He was innocent from the start. Michael said in one of his interviews "No. I never touched that child innapropriatly. I would rather slit my own wrists before I ever did that. I would rather slit my own wrists." He kept repeating. The reason he got through all this pain was from us... the fans. He loved us more than anything. With every single fan, he would be so gentle and tender with them. He would wrap them up his arms while performing on stage, and sing to them while they were in his arms. He would dance with them up on stage. He didn't care if you were skinny or fat, black or white. He loved you. He would give you a tender kiss on the cheek, and when you told him you loved him, he would soflty say "I love you more" and he meant that with everything inside of him. I wish people would have given him another chance. Just one more chance before he went to heaven. I really do believe he was one of the world's angels. Think about it, Michael was the sweetest, most caring man on the whole entire earth. He was an entertainer, a legend, a wonderful, loving daddy, a singer, a dancer, humanitarian, God-loving man, children- loving man, an inspiration, but most of all.. this Earth's angel. There was not one spot of hatred in his heart. He had a heart of pure gold, and all people wanted to do was destroy it. He didn't deserve any of it. I wish that people would have just left him alone. I don't care what you people say about him, because I know I can prove you wrong. For instance, about the boy sleeping in his bed... well the media didn't show the full part, all they showed was the part that made him look bad. They didn't let him finish. In the full interview he said something along the lines of "Yes, I don't feel that it's wrong to let a kid sleep in your bed. That boy was a sick child who had a horrible disease and he was close to my heart. I told him that he could sleep in my bed, and I slept in the floor." The media left out the part about him sleeping on the floor. Also, there was a rumor about him bleaching his skin. This is untrue. He had a skin disease called Vitiligo, which causes the loss of pigments. People were so harsh about it. It caused him so much pain, but he still always had that beautiful smile on his face. Mariah Carey's song "Without You" really describes who he was to people. One line goes "You always smile but in your eyes, your sorrow shows. Yes it shows."This explains him perfectly! He always had a smile on his face, but when you looked in his eyes, you could see the sorrow and the pain. He was too good for this world. He did leave us too soon, but maybe God wanted him back in heaven singing and dancing with the other angels. Yes, there's rumors about him faking his death, and if that's true, I can understand why, but all i'm asking is for you to give him one last chance. Now that he's gone, maybe people will leave him alone. Even though he's passed, you can hopefully understand him. Rest in paradise Michael. My sweet,sweet angel, may you moonwalk in heaven with the other angels where you have always belonged. And thanks for bringing joy to so many people, and giving them hope and inspiration. We will always love you Applehead no matter what, and all I ask for is one dance in heaven.  

Comments (5)add comment
written by glitterbang , April 7, 2014

This was so honestly and beautifully written it made me cry. All of us here on this site agree with your words and in the end God knows the truth. Michael is there with Him now.

written by billiejean34400 , June 20, 2011

wonderful you right....i like it...

written by MJSunshine , March 23, 2011

Ashlyn, you are so right with everything you wrote and all the quotes you posted... Michael's life was filled with both - deepest love and hate. Thank you for your post!

written by ashlynlovesmichael , March 21, 2011

Thanks Ron! I wrote it from the heart

written by a guest , March 21, 2011

Thanks for posting this Ashlyn! Ron

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