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Home Blogs New Years Eve 1997. ( The start....of love 4 Michael Jackson)



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MJJ Collectors Blogs

The HIStory of my collecting!
Jun 06

New Years Eve 1997. ( The start....of love 4 Michael Jackson)

MiloMJackson Posted by: MiloMJackson  
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I remember so well...

It was New Years Eve 1997, back then, here in The Netherlands it was pretty normal to broadcast concerts of huge artists.... that year, it was Michael's turn, it was a HIStory concert.


In 1997, i was 5 years old, i didn't have a clue who or "what" Michael Jackson was.

My mom told me, "C'mon Milo, Michael Jackson will be on tv soon!!!"

(The things i am going to write now, i have been told by my mom)

I seemed to have gave her a look like " Who the F is Michael Jackson???!"

But, i did my mom a favor, and i joined her, because she got me all curious about this man called Michael Jackson.


When i asked her, Who or What Michael Jackson was, she told me, this man sings amazing and he can dance like no other!!

All i could think was " Gosh, this must be old people's music"


So, i sat next to my mother, watching the tv....

A KINGDOM ENTERTAINMENT airplane arrived........ what as i about to witness?

A man with short black curls ( yes i think they just put this as intro of the concert, because this defo was a OTHER era than HIStory...) wearing black shades, wearing a blue sparkly jacket, a sparkly white glove and he had this amazing white smile............... i was fascinated, by the fact that fans would go wild, by just seeing Michael standing there, waving.....smiling.... and even more waving and smiling......

i was impressed, he didn't even dance or sing yet.... and all the people would do was faint and scream!


When i saw Michael the first time, my jaw literally dropped to the floor........


I happily watched the entire concert...... i think the concert was like 1,5/2 hours.... tho it seemed to go by so fast, it felt like 5 minutes, if not shorter....


At the start of that evening, not knowing..... i would fall in love....

Yes, as a 5 year old girl......... now i am 19 almost 20 years old, and still in love with Mr. Michael Jackson.


No matter what people write.....

No matter what people say......

i will ALWAYS love him.....

I'll always have his back....







With the love, L.O.V.E



The Netherlands.

Comments (1)add comment
written by mamoun , June 5, 2014

oui, tu as raison, c'est un grand homme !avec un énorme cœur smilies/smiley.gif j'ai 62 ans et je suis folle de lui

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